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“What do you want in a gummy?”
It’s what MegaFood asked you as they set out to launch Project Gummy Bare All, an initiative to bring MegaFood’s gummy supplement to life using customer feedback and insight. Project Gummy Bare All is more than a supplement, though: it’s about what MegaFood calls Big T Transparency: sharing everything they do, from their facility audits and product development pipelines, to insiders’ views of the company culture, value system, and even live cams that show your products being made in real time!
Read Abigail McShinsky’s take on “How Gummies Align with the MegaFood Way”. Here, she describes the newest members of the MegaFood team that we’re pleased to welcome to Harvest Market–Gummies in four flavors:
- Tangy Citrus for Vitamin C/Defense
- Cranberry for B12/Energy
- Ginger for B12/Energy
- Mixed Fruit for D3/Wellness
Have you ever seen the Lives Improved Scoreboard in our warehouse? You can check it out on our live cams here. Don’t worry, I’ll wait Image may be NSFW.
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Clik here to view.This scoreboard is important to keep us all focused on our goal. If you’ve ever joined one of our live town-hall meetings, or have been following us for long enough, you’ve likely heard us say that we are the business of improving lives. This philosophy is infused in every aspect of our business, and it’s something we take very seriously.
We also have our eye on a bigger prize. At MegaFood, our purpose is to nourish a world in nutritional crisis. What does that mean? It means we recognize that, regardless of our socioeconomic background or where we live, we all have obstacles between us and optimal nutrition. For some those obstacles are much greater than for others, and the issues around food access are complex and numbered.
We know we can’t solve the problem overnight. What we can do, however, is make decisions and products that get us pointed in the right direction – helping people overcome obstacles between them and proper nourishment. We call this our North Star.
With that North Star in mind, we took aim at two common obstacles between folks and getting the daily nutrition they need.
Difficulty Swallowing Tablets
Did you know? 40% of American adults have a difficult time swallowing pills? That’s approximately 100 million people!1
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Clik here to view.Difficulty swallowing pills is very common – did the number surprise you? You may also be wondering why this matters. Shouldn’t those folks just get everything they need from their diet, then? Well, let’s let Dr. Erin Stokes set the stage:
“In our modern world, I don’t believe that we can get all of the nutrients we need, even from a well-rounded, healthy diet. Food is always first for vitamin and mineral intake, but we need a little help covering the gaps. The reality is that gaps in the American diet are widespread…A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition looked at changes in food composition for 43 garden crops from 1950 to 1999. As a group, the 43 foods that were studied showed declines in 6 areas: protein, calcium, potassium, iron, riboflavin and ascorbic acid. A rather important group of 6!”
So if you’re not getting enough nutrition from your diet, and you have a hard time swallowing tablets, what options do you have..?
Pill Fatigue
Instead, maybe you’re like me, and have no problem slinging back your multi, B complex, and probiotic all in one mouthful (I’m not suggesting you try it, for safety reasons, but I’m just being real here…), and the idea of being unable to swallow a tablet is completely foreign to you. That being said, aren’t there days where you can’t even look at your pill case because (despite the fact that it will take all of 4 seconds) you can’t possibly imagine a world in which you took even one more vitamin? The phrase “I can’t even” is appropriate to use here.Image may be NSFW.
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If you’ve felt that before, you’re not alone! There is actually a name for it. It’s called Pill Fatigue, and it’s real. Pill Fatigue is a by-product of taking a number of daily medications or supplements for an extended period of time. After a while, the stress and monotony of constant pill-swallowing turns to this hard-to-place feeling of Pill Fatigue. You can’t even.
If either of these sounds familiar to you, you’ve probably started to consider alternative options that will allow you to nourish your body in a way that works best for you. Many individuals start taking gummy vitamins for this very reason!
And if neither of those sound like you, not to fret! Gummies make a great addition to your daily multivitamin for that little nutrition boost when you need it.
MegaFood is driven by a purpose to nourish a world in nutritional crisis, and these new gummies are just one way of doing that!